Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Day 47

Well, I said I'd be honest on this thing so here goes.  Today was the worst day yet symptom wise.  Yesterday afternoon I started getting pain in between my shoulder blades.  Nothing crazy but there none the less.  I chopped it up to some anxiety over the brusing and the fact that people were irritaing the shit out of me (shocking I know) So I figured I was holding it in my neck and no worries.  As the night went on things got worse and this am I was having bad pain from the top of my neck right down to my hips and spread out from there.

Upon walking in the clinic my nurse knew something was up put me down on a bed and started the lamps on me.  She then got Dr.A right in to have a chat.  They talked and felt that it may be becuase of bone marrow working overdrive to do it's job.  I was given a pain shot which lasted a couple hours.  Right after lunch they started my plasma (to help with the bruising) once they started that it's a long ole process.  All for the greater good right.  Anywho, my problem has always been I don't like taking meds, any kind of meds, I don't like to be wonky off meds and hate that feeling of not being in control (that's why this momma was off pain meds 1 week post op) So needless to say I buck the hard stuff and try to make it through.  My usually laid back Dr. was having none of that this afternoon and TOLD me what was going to take place.  In the end I agreed and said it's just a tool to help get me where I'm going.  So I have some stronger meds tonight and will meet with the pain specialist tomorrow as well as another guy to make sure we know what is causing the pain.  Very much up top of things they are.  

Other crappy part was because of this long ass day I didn't get to spend any time with M before she left but we did get to go to Mr.PamPas which was delightful.  My poor doc just shook his head when I said I was leaving clinic to go to PamPas to eat.....pain or no pain a girls gotta eat right.

This is the Brazilian restaurant where you have a little sign that you roll to si(Yes) if you want food them to keep bringing it and no if you want them to stop.   They just keep coming with all these different cuts of meats, grilled to delicious goodness.  I happen to love shrimp and the last time we were there obviously made an impression on one young fella (I may have hugged him when he gave me a whole skewer of shrimp) so when he saw me at the table he says "oh shrimp" and ran to get me my shrimp.  How stinking cute is that.

I did get to enjoy Mand at supper before she left :(  Thank you so very much for coming to visit us here.  I know it's difficult to take time away and I know you didn't want to leave me but I hope you Saw that I am in good hands and will be coming HOME BETTER THEN EVER BABY.
Love you so very much and have a safeeeeee flight xoxoxox

Anywho, sweet people, this gal is going to try and sleep for a bit and prepare for a better day tomorrow



Much Love

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