Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Day 55


Nice easy day at clinic.  I didn't get lots of sleep after 3am last night but with on and off naps was able to get a decent nights rest I'd say.

The 3am thing......I HAD A FRIGGIN POOP......after not having one for a WEEK!!!!!!!! Well this ole girl was excited.  Not sure Kyle and Theresa found it as exciting as I did at that time of the night but oh well.  We takes a victory when we can and that my friends was one.  If it's not one extreme it's the friggin other.

Pain wise I woke up feeling really good and was able to make it through the day with out needing a "breakthrough" pill which was super great for not being wonky and out of er all day.

After clinic we came back to the apartment and caught a ride to a little store I wanted to get back to then decided to walk back and try to find some food along the way.  Still such a struggle as I love to eat and love to eat out, so every place you walk by that would draw me in before is a huge no no....wings....ribs.....gah......keep walking!!! Anywho, made it down to the little place by our apartment that is good for a little snack (the only thing I shouldn't have is the flour tortillia, kind of a biggie but when you're hangry and just want something the chicken taco with guac is as good as it gets for me here:) )

Kyle went to the gym and Theresa and I walked to the mall.  There is a really cool place that makes ice cream out of fruit puree so I get a little sneak in without it being really bad.  Social experiment of the night was watching people looking at my legs.  I had shorts on and am pretty sure it's been the only time as a 6'1" lady in Mexico I've seen people look that far down on me.  Some strange ole faces being made tonight.  (I'll try and post some pics)

When Kyle was finished at the gym him and Theresa went and enjoyed the local pub for supper.

One great thing of the day is in the end I'd say I walked for a good 1.5 hours this evening and even though I'm exhausted now I wasn't that weak during the actual walk.  That my friends is a good one!!!

Anywho, can barely keep my eyes open so off to sleep I go. (oh and absolutely no spell check or reviewing this tonight, enjoy!!)



Much Love

Back view while waiting for ice cream :)

Front View

Was kinda funny catching peoples eyes after they caught a glimpse of these babies....haha

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